Cool Weather Knitting: Watch Cap (free pattern)

September marks the end of warmer days and the beginning of chilly nights.  As we bring our heavy clothing out from storage , we similarly put aside our lace-weights, place thicker yarns on our needles and frantically work on clothing and accessories to keep us and our loved ones warm and cozy.  The first of these items which is something that gets a lot of use until about early and maybe late spring is a watch cap.  There are a lot of versions online– and I have a couple that use a super bulky weight yarn which takes no time  to knit at all.  One watch cap has a folded brim and the other version doesn’t.  Best of all, both versions are free!  I’ve posted the pattern below both in text and PDF format.


©2010 Mylyne De Jesus/Little Sweet Knittings Designs.  All rights reserved.


1 skein Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick and Quick (Super Bulky Weight) yarn

2 sets US 13 (9 mm) circular needles, 16 inches

1 US 11 circular needles, 16 inches

Stitch Marker

Tape Measure

Row Counter (optional)

Crochet Hook (any size) for weaving ends in


9 sts x 12 r = 4” x 4” (10 cm x 10 cm) in Stockinette Stitch on US 13.


With #11 needles, CO 45 sts.  Join ends being careful not to twist stitches.  Place marker at the beg of rounds.

Work k2p1 rib for 2 inches.  For folded brim, continue k2p1 rib until 4 ½ inches.

Change to #13 needles and work stockinette (K all rounds) st until 5 ½-6 inches from beg.

Then work dec. as follows, using the second circular needle as necessary:

Round 1: *K7, k2tog; rep fr * to end.

Round 2: *K6, k2tog; rep fr * to end.

Round 3: *K5, k2tog; rep fr * to end.

Round 4: *K4, k2tog; rep fr * to end.

Round 5: *K3, k2tog; rep fr * to end.

Round 6: *K2, k2tog; rep fr * to end.

Round 7: *K, k2tog; rep fr * to end.

Round 8: K2tog to end. (5 sts remaining)

Leaving a 5-inch tail, break yarn.  With crochet hook, pull tail through the loops.  Pull tightly.

Weave all ends in on the wrong side.

This pattern and the entire contents therein are subject to copyright.  Using this pattern other than for personal, non-profit purpose is strictly forbidden by law.  It is not to be used in any publication nor reproduced in any format without the written permission of the copyright holder.  For pattern support or for any questions, please contact

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